22 Nov 2021 - 21 Mar 2022 Brussels (Belgium)

List of speakers > Gisèle Sapiro


 Gisèle Sapiro   is Professor of Sociology at the EHESS and Research Director at the CNRS, member of the Centre européen de sociologie et de sciences politique. She recently published Peut-on dissocier l'oeuvre de l'auteur? (Paris, Seuil, 2020) and co-edited the volume: Ideas in the move in the social and human sciences. The International Circulation of Theorists and Paradigms (Palgrave McMillan 2020), as well as an article on scholary translations: « Quels facteurs favorisent la traduction des livres de sciences humaines ? », Palimpsestes, 33, 2019. http://journals.openedition.org/palimpsestes/3827. She is/was member of the editorial or scientific board of several journals (Actes de la recherche en sciences socialesBiens symboliques/Symbolic goodsMouvement socialPoetics. Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the ArtsTranslation StudiesTargetCOnTEXTESAuthorshipSociologie et sociétés). She ran the European project Interco-SSH.

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