22 Nov 2021 - 21 Mar 2022 Brussels (Belgium)

List of journals


 Analize. Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies (Romania) 


 Brussels studies

 Brussels Studies (Belgium) 

Brussels Studies is an interdisciplinary journal tackling urban Brussels-related issues. It publishes researches, from all disciplines, on the realities of Brussels, which represent a significant challenge for the city and its region. In order to offer a wider diffusion, each article is published in three languages : English, French and Dutch.


 Cahiers d'études africaines

 Cahiers d'études africaines (France)

Les Cahiers d'Études africaines [Quarterly Journal of African Studies], founded in 1960, is an interdisciplinary journal in the humanities and social sciences that focuses on anthropological and historical research on Africa and African-related societies throughout the world. The journal publishes articles in French and English.



 Contextes. Revue de sociologie de la littérature (Belgium) 

COnTEXTES. Revue de sociologie de la littérature brings together researchers who adopt a social approach to literature, from all periods and all literatures. Much more than a division of common objects, it is therefore a convergence of views that underpins the coherence of COnTEXTES, whose approach consists in recognising the social inscription of literary practices, as opposed to a sacralised conception of literature and an immanentist reading of texts.



 Ethnographiques.org (France) 

ethnographiques.org est une revue internationale de sciences humaines et sociales en libre accès, et seulement en ligne. Elle existe depuis 2002.


 European journal of life writing

 European Journal of Life Writing (Netherlands) 

European Journal of Life Writing is an interdisciplinary open access journal, published by the European section of the International Auto/Biography Association (IABA Europe). The EJLW aims to provide a forum for work in the field of all forms of life narratives, with contributions ranging from conceptual to practical and creative work. The European Journal of Life Writing (EJLW) was founded by the European Chapter of the International Auto/Biography Association, in 2010. Its first issue was published in the autumn of 2012.



 Eurostudia. Transatlantic Journal for European Studies (Canada) 

Eurostudia : revue transatlantique de recherches sur l’Europe est une revue trilingue (français, anglais, allemand) évaluée par les pairs dont le premier numéro a été publié en juin 2005. Elle est publiée en ligne depuis 2010. La revue vise une mise en relation systématique d’analyses empiriques portant sur l’intégration politique, sociale et économique de l’Europe d’une part et, de l’autre, sur une réflexion comparée et/ou créative sur les enjeux culturels transatlantiques au sens large.


 Gender vyzkum

 Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research (Czech Republic) 

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research is a peer-reviewed transdisciplinary journal of gender studies and feminist theory. The territorial focus is on Central and Eastern Europe as well as other global macro-regions. The journal publishes articles in Czech or English with gender or feminist perspective in the fields of sociology, philosophy, political science, history, cultural studies, and other branches of the social sciences and humanities.  The editorial board supports work that represents a contribution to the development of transdisciplinary gender studies. The journal is listed in the SCOPUS, European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS), the Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH), Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) and other databases. It is an open access journal listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Founded in 2000, the journal is published biannually by the Gender & Sociology Department of the Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences.



 Genero. A Journal of Feminist Theory and Cultural Studies (Serbia) 

Genero is an interdisciplinary scientific journal that gathers scholars and researchers in social sciences, humanities, literature and art theory who excel within their respective disciplines and who are ready to reflect contemporary trends in society. The journal's mission is to serve as a framework for an interdisciplinary dialogue between different fields of humanities and social sciences, and as a platform for richer dialogue between the region of the former Yugoslavia and international academic communities.



 Image & Narrative (Belgium)

Image [&] Narrative is a peer-reviewed e-journal on visual narratology and word and image studies in the broadest sense of the term. It does not focus on a narrowly defined corpus or theoretical framework, but questions the mutual shaping of literary and visual cultures. Beside tackling theoretical issues, it is a platform for reviews of real life examples. Each issue features four parts: 1) a thematic cluster, guest-edited by specialized scholars in the field; 2) a selection of various articles; 3) a few "experiences" in research; 4) reviews of recent publications. Image [&] Narrative is a bilingual journal, which publishes contributions in either English or French, and which fosters cross-cultural and interdisciplinary dialogue between linguistic and scientific traditions.


 TEI logo

 Journal of Text Encoding Initiative (Belgium) 

The Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative (jTEI) is the official journal of the Text Encoding Initiative Consortium. As a peer-reviewed, regularly published journal, jTEI is the first point of entry to the latest scholarship relating not only to TEI XML but to humanities research that engages in text markup, e.g., digital scholarly editing, linguistic analysis, corpora creation, mass digitization, semantic web research, and editing within virtual worlds.


 Justice spatiale logo

 Justice Spatiale/Spatial Justice (France) 

Justice Spatiale | Spatial Justice (JSSJ) is a forum for international debates about spatial justice, in a pluridisciplinary perspective. Any practitioner of social science can contribute, either theoretical papers or more empirical case studies: set side by side, both types of approaches are likely to gain better recognition and increased relevance. JSSJ is a bilingual journal: all the papers are published both in French and English.


 Kalbu Studij

 Kalbų Studijos. Studies About Languages (Lithuania)

STUDIES ABOUT LANGUAGES is a journal for all involved in the field of theoretical and empirical language studies. The journal aims at bringing together the scholars interested in language and technology, linguistic theory development, empirical research of different aspects of languages. The articles published in the journal focus on general linguistics, applied linguistics, including translation studies, computational linguistics, sociolinguistics, media linguistics, and contrastive linguistics.



 Langsci Language Science Press (France)

Language Science Press is a born-digital scholar-led open access publisher in linguistics.We publish 30 monographs and edited volumes a year. All our books are free of charge for authors and for readers (pdf). Printed books are available at competitive prices. Our 29 series are supported by a worldwide network of 400+ editors, 400+ community proofreaders and 1000+ supporters. Over 1000 linguists have published a book or a chapter with Language Science Press. Our 13-members advisory board oversees the quality of our content and of our operations. Our operational costs are jointly met by a network of 115 funding institutions. There are no fees for authors or readers (Platinum/Diamond Open Access).


 Logo les annales

 Les Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (France) 

Founded in 1929, the Annales continue to present the most innovative research in the field of history. The journal also provides a unique platform for dialogue between the various social sciences, remaining open to new fields of research, comparative history, cultural analysis, and epistemological reflection. The Annales is the most widely distributed Francophone journal in the world.



 Quaderns. Revista de traducció (Spain) 

First published in 1998, Quaderns is an academic publication aimed at scholars and professionals in translation and other related disciplines. The objective of the journal is the dissemination of original texts produced from the results of research related to translation by researchers from around the world; at the same time it aims to disseminate academic publications and events of particular relevance. The original manuscripts are blind peer-reviewed. Quaderns is published by the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Quaderns is published annually in the month of June.



 Ride. A Review Journal for Digital Editions and Resources (Germany) 

RIDE is an open access review journal dedicated to digital editions and resources. RIDE directs attention to digital editions and other digital scholarly resources by providing a forum in which expert peers criticise and discuss the resources in order to improve current practices and advance future developments. RIDE encourages the reviewers to pay attention not only to the traditional virtues and vices of humanities publications, but also to the progressing methodology and its technical implications.


 Sociétés contemporaines

 Sociétés Contemporaines (France) 

A generalist (unspecialized in its objects) French journal (all articles in French) publishing articles mainly in Sociology (or political sociology, historical sociology, etc…) with a strong emphasis on methodology (statistics, ethnography, qualitative methods, archives…), critical approach and scientific demonstration of results. Th editorial board reads and evaluates the article, with external reviewers seldom involved.




 Sociétés Plurielles (France) 



 Studi Culturali (Italy)

The journal Studi Culturali (“Cultural Studies”) was founded in 2004 and it is published by Il Mulino, a leading academic publisher in Italy. The journal title does not reflect any rigid disciplinary affiliation, rather it suggests the constitution of an ever-shifting space for intellectual exchanges among different disciplinary traditions: a laboratory of collective reflection on culture in its different expressions, attentive to its spatial and temporal contexts, and able to question its very foundations. Studi Culturali is committed to both empirical and theoretical inquiries, with a particular emphasis on experimenting with new methodologies and also new editorial formats.


 Sur le journalisme

 Sur le journalisme/On Journalism/Sobre Jornalismo (Belgium/Canada/France) 


Sur le journalisme is a international peer-reviewed open-access journal, published in electronic and print editions. The journal, launched in 2012, publishes special issues and original articles. It accepts papers in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.




 Teksty Drugie (Poland) 

One of the most important in Poland in the field of literary cricism and intrdisciplinary reflexion on new media, cultural studies, gender studies,  Holocaust memory.



 The Journal of Art Historiography (UK)

The Journal of Art Historiography exists to support and promote the study of the history and practice of art historical writing. The historiography of art has been strongly influenced by traditions inaugurated by Giorgio Vasari, Winckelmann and German academics of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Consequent to the expansion of universities, museums and galleries, the field has evolved to include areas outside of its traditional boundaries.



 Trivium. Revue franco-allemande de sciences humaines et sociales / Deutsch-französische Zeitschrift für Geistesund Sozialwissenschaften (France/Germany) 

Founded in 2008 and built on a Franco-German partnership, Trivium is an open access electronic journal that publishes exclusively translations of articles that have already appeared in journals or collective works: translations from German into French, translations from French into German. The journal is open to all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences and is not dedicated to Franco-German research fields alone. Its editorial line aims to create thematic dossiers composed of fundamental articles which, through translation, are made accessible to a very wide international audience..
Since 2008, thirty-three issues have been published, constituting an archive of over two hundred and fifty translated articles and thirty-three original introductions. Each translation is double or even triple proofread.



 Tsantsa. Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association (Switzerland) 

TSANTSA is the journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association SAA. It publishes ethnographically and theoretically grounded contributions on current issues and debates in social anthropology. As a tri-lingual journal with articles in English, French, and German, it seeks to strengthen the dialogue between different theoretical strands and scholarly traditions. TSANTSA’s wide thematic scope encourages conversations across the discipline and between the various subfields of social and cultural anthropology.



 Vertigo. Revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement (Canada)

VertigO, electronic and international open access journal of environmental sciences, is the first interdisciplinary and intersectoral scientific journal in the French-speaking world. Created in Quebec in 2000, VertigO ensures the dissemination of scientific research and analysis at the crossroads of natural, human and social sciences on contemporary environmental issues within the French-speaking and Francophile worlds. Managed by an editorial team, a steering committee, an international editorial board and a scientific council, VertigO publishes 100 to 120 articles per year, double externally peer-reviewed, in 6 issues per year. VertigO has 3.5 million page reads and a readership of 1.5 million people per year from academia, industry, and the general public in Europe, America, Africa, and Asia, the largest readership of any scientific journal among the 572 journals in the Open Edition Journals Platform in France.



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